With the dark days of winter upon us, WYC is delighted to announce something we can all look forward to and get excited about! WYC members will be sharing their talents in various creative endeavours.
On 1st March, WYC will be hosting the first ‘Whitstable Native and New’ Showcase of original arts, crafts, poetry and music. The evening will start with an exhibition of the visual arts, which will be displayed around the club for us all to enjoy. This will be followed by the performances*. Each act will have a 5-8 minute slot (time to be determined based on numbers) to sing, tell jokes, tell stories etc. Come and support your fellow members and see what they are up to when they are not out on the water or in front of the bar!
….and if you are someone who likes to make pots, tell jokes, write poems etc and haven’t yet signed up, hurry up and get in touch:
Tracy Vaughan Gough (Performers*) Email: tracyjvaughan@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 07948621852
Louise Provan (Visual artists) Email: lou.provan@outlook.com Tel: 07920 056283
*Unlike music club – there will be no rehearsals. This is like an ‘open mike’ night. All artists will create, practice and prepare by themselves.