Dinghy Cruise Report – Saturday April 30th, or “How Fef got back to sailing and won the day”

David Blakey (Hartley 15, 1539), Fef and Dave Marsh (Wanderer 890, Oops-a-Daisy), Richard and Sarah Heap (Wanderer 1561, Giggle) had a lovely day sailing around the bay. We met at 10 am. It was a cold, grey, almost windless morning. Not at all promising, but we planned bravely, if unwisely, to sail across to Pollard Spit, run with the NE breeze and incoming tide to Faversham creek, tie up on the bank for lunch at the Shipwrights, and then sail back on the ebb. This never happened… for the rest of the report, download it here: https://www.wyc.org.uk/images/uploads/Day_Sail_30_April_2022.pdf